We held our first in-person Grandparents Day since Covid restrictions ceased Friday week ago and it was a great success. Over 500 Grandparents attended, enjoying a concert in the Hall by all Primary grades followed by morning tea then a visit to the classrooms. This was a massive day and involved many staff to make it happen. A huge thank you for everyone’s help before, during and after the day.
Mrs Sarah Pinney, our Learning Support Leader has put together a helpful outline of this important aspect at Oakhurst Primary.
We are truly blessed with a dedicated team in Learning Support here at Oakhurst Campus. This team consists of Mrs Ann Millis and Mr Joshua Robertson who started just this year and Mrs Michelle Arundel and Mrs Vanessa Smith who have been with us for several years.
Our role is to assist students with disabilities, and those who may have learning difficulties. We work collaboratively with teachers, parents and external specialist to support students with their learning and to provide the most appropriate learning experiences and environment. In supporting a student to achieve their best potential we also may work collaboratively with the Wellbeing team. The result of this collaboration is often the writing of Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) and Positive Behaviour Support Plans (PBS).
Whilst we assist teachers in accommodating individual student needs, Learning Support does not usually provide one-to-one support for students. Learning Support staff are timetabled into different classes to support students in various subjects, such as English-Initialit, Mathematics, Reading, and Writing. Some small withdrawal groups occur for subjects such as Spelling and for reading intervention programs such as MiniLit and MacqLit.
As part of understanding our students better we conduct testing in areas of Reading and Mathematics. We also support teachers in adjusting assessments for students. We are involved in classroom observations and provide feedback to teachers on how to best support students.
We are involved in creating visuals, social stories and other resources to help support student engagement and participation in learning both within and without the classroom. A new program we will look at implementing this year is our Fun Zone program for students who may be finding the playground difficult to navigate for a variety of reasons. This will provide students the opportunity of a quiet lunch time spent with friends.
As we provide adjustments for students with disabilities, we are also collating data for the Nationally Consistent Collection of Data (NCCD) for students with Disability as we provide adjustments for individual students.
We truly are excited to see the growth of individual students in their learning journey as we support them in the process.
Mrs Sarah Pinney
Primary Learning Support Leader

Last Friday was Kindness and Compassion Day with funds raised going towards the sponsorship of our 4 Compassion children in Indonesia. Thank you to our Student Forum for promoting this day. The students looked amazing in their various grades’ rainbow-coloured mufti. Teachers organised activities to promote kindness and inclusion such as card writing and chalk pavement art. The playground has never looked so good! As we strive to be more like Jesus, we work daily with students to ensure respectful and kind relationships are established across our School.
Our Year 3 and 5 students commenced NAPLAN last week and will continue until Wednesday with catch-up days for students who have been absent on Thursday and Friday. We encourage parents to not add undue stress to students sitting these assessments. Keep a solid routine happening at home - make sure your child gets to bed early, has a good breakfast, gets to School on time and stays relaxed and positive.
In preparation for our upcoming Cross Country days next term and the Eagles House Assembly, House meetings will occur this Friday 24 March. Students are to wear their House shirts with sports uniform shorts.
We commenced the Grass pick up option during Covid so parents could easily socially distance. With this need no longer current, this pick-up point has moved to the rear Courtyard area near the Year 2 staircase. Unfortunately, a number of parents have been seen crossing Jersey Rd in a dangerous manner after picking up their children. Please set a good example and walk down to the crossing lights. This pick-up point will have to cease if unsafe practices continue.
Students in Years 3-6 have participated in public speaking rounds within classes this term and on Wednesday 5 April at 6:30pm in the Hall we will hold the Finals. Parents are welcome to attend this exciting event and students will be informed shortly if they have made the finals this year.
We seem to have an increasing number of students coming to School with no lunch. This does put pressure on the Canteen to make up basic sandwiches so these students have something to eat. Please check each morning that your child has their lunch or that an order has been placed for that day.
- April 4: Easter Hat Parade for Years K-2. 11am start followed by a picnic lunch. Parents invited.
- April 5: Jump Off Day to culminate our term of skipping and raising funds for the Heart Foundation. Held throughout the day. Not a parent event – students only.
- April 6: Easter Assembly with Rev Ramsey. Parents of Ricky J singers only may attend. Last day of Term 1 with normal finish time.
- Wednesday 26 April: Start of Term 2

Enjoy the rest of your week,
Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg
Head of Primary - Oakhurst