During the Secondary assemblies we have been able to increase our discussion around learning, introducing key ideas in relation to students building their 'learning muscles'. In classes students have been introduced to "learning mode" and "performance mode" and been encouraged to consider parts of their learning a challenge rather than hard, therefore persisting rather than giving up. I look forward to the terms ahead as we continue build on the start we have made in focussing increasing our awareness and understanding how we learn in all aspects of life.
Through our fortnightly secondary chapels our students have had many opportunities to hear the message of love, grace and mercy found in Jesus. A message that I hope all RJ families can reflect on and celebrate over the Easter weekend. I look forward to seeing what the Christian Ministry Team and Chapel Captains have planned for the students next term.
Secondary Musical
It was great to see the so many students put on an amazing display of ability and talent last week. The energy and commitment from all the students and staff involved resulted in a fantastic musical that so many of the RJ Community enjoyed. Thank you and well done to all who made it happen.

Secondary House Meetings
The energy and involvement of students in the Secondary House Meeting last Friday was pleasing to see. Thank you to the student leaders for each house and the staff House Patrons for their involvement in making the meetings successful.
End of Term One and commencement of Term Two
All Secondary students need to leave their lockers empty and locked over the holiday break. Students will be given time to do this during Period Six Thursday 6 April, the last day of term. Students are encouraged to take home any books that they to do not need for Wednesday or Thursday earlier in the week to avoid taking home a very full school bag.
Given the recent reports of increasing cases of COVID within Sydney students in Year 7 to 10 will be issued a single RAHT kit during Period Six on Thursday 6 April. This is to be taken home and used on the morning of Wednesday 26 April before coming to school. This is of particular importance for the three Secondary Camps that commence on that day. Families are reminded that students that are unwell are not to attend school including the camps. Students in Year 11-12 are able to take home a RAHT kit by request if needed.
Important Upcoming dates:
Term One
Last day is Thursday 6 April
Easter Assembly at 9am
Locker Clean Out Period Six
Issuing of RAHTs to students in Years 7-10 Period Six
Term Two
Commences for students on Wednesday 26 April
Years 8, 9 and 10 Camps take place on Wed 26 to Fri 28 April

Mr Brad Maxwell
Head of Secondary
A Tip from Study Samurai
Most tests and examinations still require students to handwrite. To improve your handwriting, first consider how healthy you are in the four elements of legible handwriting: letter formation, sizing, alignment on the line and spacing between words. Then use the steps below to start to improve your handwriting:
- FIND THE BEST PEN FOR YOU: Experiment with different pens to see which is the easiest to write with and which one gives you the neatest handwriting. Use the same pen all the time.
- GOOD GRIP: Hold the pen/pencil gently and do not grip too tightly or push too hard on the paper.
- USE ARM MUSCLES: Always write with your forearm and shoulder NOT with your fingers or wrist. This way your strokes will flow much better. It may take you some time to retrain your arm and hand but be aware of these movements when you practise. The muscles in your forearm and shoulder tire less easily than your fingers.
- BEGIN WITH LARGE STROKES: practise initially on a whiteboard (or even tracing letters in the air) using large strokes until you feel comfortable with using your forearm and shoulder muscles. When you feel you have conquered this, it is time to begin practising on paper. Keep using large strokes, gradually reducing them in size as your control of the muscles increases. Once you have accomplished this it is time to begin practising in your exercise book forming normal sized letters.
- POSTURE: Ensure you practise your handwriting skills at a desk or table. Sit up straight using a good chair.
- RULED LINED BOOK: Buy a ruled exercise book (like a primary cursive pad) for practice use. Always write on lined paper and take note of how you are writing and how your work looks on the page.
- COPY STYLE: Look for an example of a handwriting style that you like and can use to copy from. Keep this in front of you at all times to inspire you towards improving your style.
- INDIVIDUAL LETTERS: Begin with individual letters and practise writing at least one letter per day concentrating on the four elements of legible handwriting.
- WHOLE WORDS: Once you have worked your way through individual letters in the alphabet practise writing whole words. Be aware of the flow from one letter to the next as well as spacing between each word.
- TEST SENTENCE: Choose a test sentence for yourself and write it at the top of your first practice page. Each week write this sentence at the top of a new page to check for improvement in your writing.
- SPECIAL SENTENCE: Frequently practise writing the sentence ‘the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog’ in small and capital letters. This sentence contains all the letters in the alphabet and gives you good overall practice of each letter.
- WRITE SLOWLY TO START: Write slowly when practicing until you are happy with the quality of your handwriting. Then increase the speed.
- REALISTIC GOALS: Don’t set impractical goals for improvement. Improvement will take time and is a matter for persistence – it all comes down to practice, practice and then more practice!
- LOOK FOR OPPORTUNITIES TO WRITE: Try and handwrite whenever possible.
Once your handwriting style has improved, you can then focus on improving the speed of your handwriting. Every day, practise writing at speed. Choose a particular passage and write it out neatly. Time yourself. The next day write it out neatly again but try and speed up a bit and time yourself again. The goal is to get to the point where you can write the passage out quickly but still maintain neat handwriting. Doing this for just 5 minutes every day will really help you to improve your handwriting. If your cursive (running) writing is really bad, you may find it easier to learn to print really fast in exams rather than focus on improving your cursive style.
You can also try writing with a pen that is weighted on the end to build up the muscles in your hand used for writing. When you get to the exams take the weight off the end and feel the benefits of a lighter pen!
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