From the Principal

From the Principal


Welcome back to Term 2!

With the Easter holiday break well and truly over we’re looking forward to a wonderful term ahead. Some of our favourite events are scheduled for this term including our Mother’s Day Stalls this week and also an inaugural Mother’s Day Breakfast.

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

What a busy fortnight it has been to start Term 2, with wonderful opportunities for our students to get involved in and lead.

Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst


RJ Primary Oakhurst students have had a great start to second term. Already we have enjoyed the ANZAC Day Assembly, had our first set of House meetings and Kindergarten enjoyed a visit from the Fire Brigade! 


From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park

This week one of our trees, unfortunately, had to be cut down due to some damage in the tree.

Learning Support - Volunteers Needed Oakhurst

We have had an eventful start to the year. In Learning Support we have enjoyed supporting students both within classes and also with extra-curricular events as well. It is true there is never a dull day.

We are seeking parent or even grandparent volunteers who may be able to help in our primary classes.

CRU Blast Day Camp July Holidays


Monday 17 – Friday 21 July 2023


Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary


Term 2 has commenced with a flurry of activity with the Years 8, 9 and 10 Camps taking place in Week 1 and the Ribbon run in Week 2. Years 7, 11 and 12 participated in an inter-year challenge in Week 1 which saw them engage in a range  of activities organised by the Secondary Student Leadership Team. Thank you to all the staff and students that made these events a great success.



The School Cross Country is coming up very soon ( Monday, May 15 ) and that means that it is time for Run4Bibles, the opportunity for students in Years 7- 12 to raise funds to provide Bibles for high school students in South Africa. This will help them learn more about Jesus while also helping their literacy skills.

RJ Winter Sleepout 2023

The RJ Winter Sleepout is back in 2023!! - Save the Date

Friday evening June 16 to Saturday morning June 17

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Primary Sports Report

K-2 Cross Country Marsden Park

It was lovely seeing the House Spirit on display from our youngest students yesterday at the K-2 Cross Country at Marsden Park.

Meet the Staff

Ms Kristy Parker

Ms Kristy Parker

Secondary Learning Support Leader


Mother's Day stall Oakhurst

RAHT Kits Available

RAHT kits are available for students
Additional RAHT kits are available for collection from reception at the Marsden Park Campus or from the Secondary or Main Reception at Oakhurst.

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.