From the Principal

From the Principal



Celebrations are the vibrant threads woven into the fabric of our lives, adding colour and significance to our journey. They mark milestones, achievements, and the enduring connections we share. Celebrating fosters a sense of togetherness, fortifying relationships and creating lasting memories. It's a pause button in our fast-paced world, allowing us to savour the present, reflect on the past, and anticipate the future. They inspire joy, gratitude, and a sense of accomplishment, motivating us to pursue our goals with renewed vigour. In essence, they remind us that life is not just about existing but about embracing the moments, sharing happiness, and treasuring the tapestry of experiences we create.

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

A lot is going on at this stage of the year in the life of a school. Year 12 begin the countdown to their final days at RJ, Year 11 are completing their Preliminary Examinations and all students are beginning the change back to summer uniform. This is a timely reminder of the way life works in seasons. There’s a season to knuckle down and prepare for something big that you are undertaking, there’s a season for newness and change, there’s a season to grieve something good that is ending and a season to celebrate new opportunities. For some the changing of seasons represents excitement. The days get longer, the weather gets warmer and the beach becomes a desirable location as the heat of the day begins to allow the possibility of having a swim. Yet for others the cool of the winter months and the allure of the snow fields begins to become less viable. There’s not necessarily even a consistent experience for families as in my family different siblings advocate for the different seasons as their favourite.

Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst


Spring has sprung since the last RJ Review and students now have the option of wearing either Summer or Winter Uniform until the end of the Term. From Term 4 we all move to Summer Uniform only. Please do not mix and match Summer and Winter Uniform components, e.g. tights with the Summer tunic. The mornings are still a little chilly so the RJ jacket is recommended.





Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary


As Term 3 comes to a close our Year 12 students have completed their formal lessons for their HSC studies. Please uphold them in your thoughts and prayers as they participate in "HSC in a Day" for each of their subjects. These daily revision sessions are an essential part of the support offered by the School as they continue to prepare for the HSC examinations that start early in Term 4. The Year 12 Reflection Day is taking place this Friday, with the Year 12 Students vs Staff Ultimate Frisbee game taking place on Thursday 21, followed by the Year 12 Graduation Assembly on Friday 22 September. 


Talkfest is a speaking competition where students compose and present a speech on a theme. This year’s theme was ‘Ambition’. 

Maths Day

On Thursday 7 September, Year 8 and 9 students participated in a Maths Day incursion. The purpose of the day was to provide opportunities for students to engage in Mathematics related activities, problem-solving and challenges in fun and creative ways.

Mr Stewart Rowe, Director of Christian Ministry/Service Learning (7-12)

World Vision 40 Hour Famine 40Km Team Walk

A huge thank you to the wonderful Students and Staff who took part in the World Vision 40km Team Walk. We had a great night on Friday 1 September, when 38 enthusiastic students and 7 teachers participated in the World Vision 40 Hour Famine Challenge. The students from Year 6 Oakhurst and Marsden Park, and the Secondary students altogether walked over 500km. 

Marsden Park Campus Matters

From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park

With just a week gone by from Book Week we also celebrated Father’s Day and what a celebration it was. We had over 250 families attend the event with a sausage sizzle for everyone to enjoy. There was also some excellent hot chocolate action as well. There were performances from both of our bucket drummers performing Hero by the Foo Fighters (a particular favourite of mine) and the choir singing a classic song. Both groups performed beautifully, and I personally felt great emotion during both songs. Thanks to everyone who attended the event and to all the teachers that helped prepare for the event. 


Our Stage 3 ‘Kids for Christ’ students attended CRU Fit with Mr Lamb. They enjoyed learning from the CRU team about how to lead prayer in a creative and engaging way at our lunchtime group. 

Science Week

Students participated in Science Week activities, the theme this year was Innovation. The Australian Science Teachers Association President, Rosemary Anderson said, “Experiential learning is at the heart of this resource, enabling students to work collaboratively, gain hands-on experience, and develop new ideas and approaches.”

From the Head of Diverse Learning

Mrs Narelle Taylor, Head of Diverse Learning (P-12)

Supporting the Needs of Diverse Learners at RJ


In Week 6, selected Year 6 students across both our Oakhurst and Marsden Park Campuses attended the week long HICES G&T Camp at Douglas Park. Students had opportunity to participate in both a core class, consisting of 14 hours of concentrated learning in an area of interest, and shorter 2 hour elective tasks. Students were able to enjoy learning with other like-minded high ability students, discover new things and form special new friendships. The high ropes course, gorge swing, trivia night and disco were great opportunities for challenging minds and having fun. It was a joy to accompany this lovely group of students on this Camp and also to teach students from other Schools and develop their higher ability learning skills and knowledge. 


Sports Reports

Trish Millard

Secondary Sports Report

On Wednesday 6 September our Open Girls Basketball team went to the Secondary State Basketball Gala Day, at Cambridge Park. Our Girls played with integrity and skill, and commended on their attitude. The girls won their Minor Semi Final against Mountain View Adventist 22-6, however, lost their Minor Final to Coffs Harbour 30-15. Well done girls on a successful Basketball competition!

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Primary Sports Report


Join us in congratulating our Zone Athletics squad on taking out first place overall in the recent CSSA Zone Championships for 2023. This is the first time this has been achieved in over 10 years!



Changing Schools in 2024?

Sometimes, family circumstances change, resulting in an enrolment withdrawal e.g. when moving house. Please remember that the Enrolment Conditions require a Term’s written notice to the Principal before terminating the student’s enrolment. Where insufficient notice is given, an additional one term’s school fees are applied. Please email [email protected] before 22 September if you anticipate terminating your child’s enrolment at the end of the year.

Lost Property - Must be Collected by End of Term

If your child is missing any items, please check the relevant Primary or Secondary Lost Property box. Any property remaining at the end of this Term will be given to the Op Shop as per our usual practice.  

Volunteering Monday mornings – can you help?

Start your week with a rewarding Monday morning at our Oakhurst Canteen! Help with food preparation on Mondays from 8:30am to around 10:30am. Contribute your time to bless our RJ community and enjoy the company of our friendly canteen team. Your presence will make a positive difference. Please email Mrs Stephanie Ghali if you are able to assist, either weekly or fortnightly: [email protected]. Thank you!

NWCC Spring Vacation Care Program

Our Spring Vacation Care program is now open for bookings for RJ families. To book email [email protected] or visit

 Download program

Minchinbury Anglican Community Garage Sale

Come along to a community event at Minchinbury Anglican Church in support of the 2024 Zambia mission trip. 

RAHT Kits Available

RAHT kits are available for students
Additional RAHT kits are available for collection from reception at the Marsden Park Campus or from the Secondary or Main Reception at Oakhurst.

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.