From the Principal

From the Principal


As we approach the final Term of the year, we find ourselves reflecting on the incredible journey we've embarked on together in 2023. It's hard to believe that another school year is drawing to a close and we are so proud of the progress and growth we've witnessed in our students. In this newsletter, we will share important updates, highlight upcoming events, and celebrate the achievements and milestones that make this time of year so special. 

Principal's Awards

Award Submissions School Award

Students who have received 4 Principal's Awards are eligible to receive a School Award.


Please submit Awards to Main Reception by Friday 27 October 2023

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal


It’s fantastic to have our students back for Term 4 and to see them re-engage with their learning. There’s definitely a buzz in the air as people start to feel they are warming up for Christmas, but not only that we have a new Senior Leadership Team.

Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst

Term 4 has begun with a great sense of anticipation as we look ahead to the coming weeks with lots of lovely end-of-year activities planned. 

It has been good seeing the students in Summer Uniform. Please make sure your children have sunhats every day – we are getting a lot of warm sunny days. A reminder that girls with hair length that touches the collar must have their hair pulled back with a hair tie and that boys’ haircuts should not be uneven in length or overly shaved. Hair must not be shorter than a No.2 blade. 

Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary


As Term 4 commences our Year 12 2023 students are undertaking their HSC examinations in the Senior Learning Centre. The exams run through from Week 1 to Week 4. Please keep our Year 12 students and their families in your thoughts and prayers during this time. We have been thankful for the smooth start experienced in the first week of the exams. Our Year 10 students will be completing exams during Week 3 in the Hall, with students in Year 9 completing assessments for most of their subjects during the week as well.


Mr Stewart Rowe, Director of Christian Ministry/Service Learning (7-12)

Appreciation Day

Last Term, the School Service team organised a special Appreciation Day giving students the opportunity to show their appreciation to members of our local and School community. Students shared messages of appreciation and thanks to friends, teachers, parents and other significant people in their lives.

Mr Stewart Rowe, Director of Christian Ministry/Service Learning (7-12)

Operation Christmas Child

One of the special programs that we are involved in each year is Samaritan’s Purse 'Operation Christmas Child', where students bring in goods to fill shoe boxes which are then distributed to some of the poorest children in countries overseas. Last year we sent over 210 shoe boxes overseas and would love to increase that number this year. 


National Art School HSC Intensive Workshop

During the school holidays the prestigious National Art School in Sydney, home to well-known artists such as Max Dupain OBE, AC, James Gleeson, Margaret Olley AC, and Brett Whiteley, ran their Annual HSC Intensive Visual Arts Workshops.

Marsden Park Campus Matters

From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park

I hope and pray that you have had some time to rest and relax over the course of the Term 3 holidays. I was lucky enough to spend some time with my family attending some of the theme parks in Queensland. I spent a lot of time watching my much braver children ride lots of roller coasters.

Please see the Term 4 Parent Information Letter outlining the events taking place throughout this Term. 


Sports Reports

Trish Millard

Secondary Sports Report

On Monday 18 September, the Junior Boys Basketball team competed in the Secondary State Basketball Gala Day, at Cambridge Park. The boys worked hard and played well. They finished 3rd in their pool however, lost their minor semi final to Green Point (20-2), and lost their minor final to Northern Beaches (32-19). Well done on a great achievement!

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Primary Sports Report


Swim school commences this week for students in K-2 and Years 4 and 6 at the Oakhurst Campus.






2024 Enrolment Changes?

A friendly reminder that if your family circumstances have changed and your child will not be continuing at RJ/MPAC in 2024, please provide written notice to the School advising of the enrolment change. A Term’s notice is required to avoid additional charges.

Volunteering Monday mornings – can you help?

Start your week with a rewarding Monday morning at our Oakhurst Canteen! Help with food preparation on Mondays from 8:30am to around 10:30am. Contribute your time to bless our RJ community and enjoy the company of our friendly canteen team. Your presence will make a positive difference. Please email Mrs Stephanie Ghali if you are able to assist, either weekly or fortnightly: [email protected]. Thank you!

RAHT Kits Available

RAHT kits are available for students
Additional RAHT kits are available for collection from reception at the Marsden Park Campus or from the Secondary or Main Reception at Oakhurst.

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.