From the Principal

From the Principal


It was truly inspiring to witness the diverse range of students embracing leadership roles for the very first time, alongside those who have been steadily advancing on their leadership journeys up to this point in time. Last Friday we came together to celebrate and honour the entire Senior School Leadership Team for 2024. This team encompasses College Captains, Chapel Captains, Service Captains, Sports Captains, Arts Captains, STEM Captains, House Captains and House Leaders, all of whom were officially introduced to the Senior School Assembly and proudly adorned with their well-deserved badges.

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal


This week and last week mark a focus on leadership at RJ. Senior School student leaders were inducted last week on Friday at Assembly and the new House Vice Captains and House Leaders were announced. This week, Junior School students are being interviewed to determine the 2024 Junior School Leadership team. Whilst this is a normal process for schools all over Australia to go through, it is worth considering why we continue to seek opportunities for our students to lead, and why we consider leadership important for our students and in our society.


Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst

Term 4 is in full swing with lots of events happening at Oakhurst Primary.

Year 4 Pyjamarama took place last Friday evening through to Saturday morning. The students enjoyed a yummy BBQ dinner cooked by our amazing parent volunteers, team tabloid games, the traditional slipper parade in The Hive and a movie with popcorn before bedtime. A trip over the road to McDonalds for breakfast completed another successful Pyjamarama event. Special thanks to Mr Reed, Mrs Fiore, Mrs Roe, Miss Ross and Mrs Pinney.

Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary

YEAR 12 2023

As Week 4 commences our Year 12 2023 students commence the final week of their HSC examinations in the Senior Learning Centre. Please continue to keep our Year 12 students and their families in your thoughts and prayers during this time. Year 12 students will be 'signing out' next week on Wednesday 8 November, where they will empty their lockers for one final time, return their textbooks and other school resources and have RJ software removed from their laptops.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Hike

Several Bronze level Duke of Edinburgh Award participants were part of a hike on Friday 20 - Saturday 21 October. The hike was conducted in the Glenbrook area of the Blue Mountains National Park. 

Mr Stewart Rowe, Director of Christian Ministry/Service Learning (7-12)

Operation Christmas Child

The Operation Christmas Child Project this year is one of the special programs that we are involved in each year, where students bring in new items and goods to fill shoeboxes which are then distributed to some of the poorest children in countries overseas. Last year we sent over 210 shoeboxes overseas and would love to increase that number this year. 

Marsden Park Campus Matters

From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park


It was such a pleasure for me on Friday to celebrate with teachers and students the recognition of a job well done by teachers in 2023. I am in awe of the amazing work that happens in classrooms throughout the School each year. The planning and implementation of programs the personal time and resources spent on their jobs. I think everyone found during the pandemic the indispensable job that teachers did, and the hope is, that we can continue to appreciate what teachers do for our children. 

From the Head of Diverse Learning

Mrs Narelle Taylor, Head of Diverse Learning (P-12)

ICAS Results


Congratulations to students who competed in ICAS assessments in Term 3 as an extension opportunity. Students received their certificates in recent Primary and Secondary Assemblies. ICAS recognises academic performance by pushing students to their academic limits while testing their higher order thinking and problem-solving abilities. 


Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Primary Sports Report


Due to the extreme temperatures on Monday, the Marsden Park Football Clinics were not held. As a result, there will be another session added with the final session being held on Monday 13 November, weather permitting.






New Absence Reporting Process - utilising App

We have recently transitioned to a new absence reporting process across both Campuses. Whilst parents can still report future absences via email or SMS as usual, unexpected absences on the day e.g. child unwell, are to be communicated by parents once the RJ App push notification has been issued (approx 11am). This reporting change means your confirmation and explanation of your child's absence will go automatically into the Edumate record rather than the current double handling.
We will continue to do SMS absence notifications for the time being, asking you to respond directly via the App once the App notification goes out. In time, the SMS advice will be phased out, with the App being the main communication of absences.
The App developers are looking into a mechanism where you can pre-date absences, but this is not currently available.
Please ensure your App and phone notifications are turned on. If you have any questions about the RJ App, please refer to this booklet - Edumate Parent Portal & School App Info

2024 Enrolment Changes?

A friendly reminder that if your family circumstances have changed and your child will not be continuing at RJ/MPAC in 2024, please provide written notice to the School advising of the enrolment change. A Term’s notice is required to avoid additional charges.

20% Discount on Sports & Co-Curricular Group Photos

These school sports and co-curricular groups were photographed on 29/08/2023:

You can now view and purchase the group images listed above and if you place your order before 8/11/2023 you will get a 20% early order discount. Just click on the link below. Please note the discount will be automatically applied at checkout.

Oakhurst Anglican Church event

Vacation Care at Oakhurst

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.