I wanted to give an update on the Kiss and Drop line in the afternoon as well. Firstly, thank you for your support of this change in procedure. Staff, students, and families are all becoming accustomed to the process which has made the whole system run more smoothly than when we first started. The addition of a microphone has helped immensely as well. The one big change is that for younger children who are still in car seats, we are asking parents to help children into those seats rather than staff. We have found that this again is the safest way of doing it and is faster than a staff member fastening the seat. We will continue to adapt the procedure heading forward for the best interests of all involved.
There was also a communication sent to all families discussing the end of year events I have copied that information here to make sure that who needs it is able to see it.
Tuesday 31 October - Community Connect Evening
6:00pm in the Hall
We are excited to share with you the Vision, Mission, and Values of Marsden Park Anglican College.
Friday 17 November - Recognition Assembly
Pre K-2 at 12:15pm (including Year 1 violin performances)
Years 3-6 at 1:45pm
Parking will be available off Clifton Rd on the grass area.
The Recognition Assembly is a chance for each student to be recognised for their progress throughout the year.
Friday 24 November - Pre K-2 Twilight Event at 5pm
Parking will be available off Clifton Rd on the grass area.
The performance starts with our Pre K students singing a song. They will then join their families to enjoy the rest of the show while Years K-2 will perform a scene from the nativity with each class presenting a song and other items.
Thursday 30 November - Year 6 Graduation Ceremony at 12:00pm
Parking will be available off Clifton Rd on the grass area.
We are so excited to host our first Year 6 Graduation Ceremony. Following the service there will be light refreshments for families and a time for photos to remember this special occasion.
Tuesday 5 December - Marsden Park Presentation Event at 1pm
Parking will be available off Clifton Rd on the grass area.
This year’s event will be held onsite in the Marsden Park COLA area. This event will be when all awards are handed out. Parents whose children are winning awards will be notified the week prior to the event.
A huge thank you to all parents and students who attended the Amazing Me event hosted by Rowenna Thomas on 10 October this Term. There was a high level of engagement with the topic and both the Stage 2, and 3 presentations were well represented. Marsden Park is expecting to have Mrs Thomas back again next year for more parent presentations.
Marsden Park will be holding their Assemblies on a Friday afternoon at 1:45 pm. We have made this decision because we believe it is in the best interests of the students at school. Parents are more than welcome to attend the Assembly if their child is participating in part of the Assembly. I am really looking forward to the rest of Kindergarten participating in their first Assembly.
Please note that the following forms of communication to the RJ Families apply when we are distributing information regarding events. Not all forms are used for the same event. Please also refer to the RJ App / Calendar for upcoming events and Term dates refer to the calendar on the school website.
- A broadcast via the Newsfeed on the RJ App is used for whole section events such as Book week and Easter Hat Parade.
- The Fortnightly the RJ Review (Newsletter) – which is emailed to parents and can be found on the home page of our school website. This also outlines events that are happening throughout the term.
- From time to time, we will use Emails /Or SMS to highlight changes that may occur that affect events. Such as parent parking.
A friendly reminder that a very serious allergy towards peanuts for some of our students has prompted the School to ban peanuts, peanut butter, Nutella, peanut sauce, nut biscuits and fruit and nut mixes, as well as any other food product which contains peanuts. Please note that products which have ‘traces of nut or peanuts’ have not been listed - these are acceptable. We ask parents to be very cautious about this School directive. The health and safety of every student is of paramount concern for the whole School community.

We appreciate your prayers and support for the remainder of the school year.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Luke Sale
Head of Primary - Marsden Park