A reminder that students K-6 must be at School by 8:45am. Our lining up bell occurs at this time and students hear morning announcements, celebrate birthdays and take part in prayer time to start the day. Students who arrive late stand at the back so they do not disturb others getting to their class line. The number of late students is becoming concerning. Please assist your child with morning routines and help them be at RJ on time.
Our Year 5 and 6 students enjoyed activity-filled overnight Camps at Teen Ranch in Week 3. It was a great time of attempting new things (challenge by choice), working as a team and enjoying God’s creation. The activities included the giant swing, rock climbing, archery tag, high ropes course, horse riding, water activities and eating lots of yummy food! A special thank you to Mrs Smith, Mr Newmarch, Miss Parata, Mrs Bichescu, Miss Shannon-Duhigg, Miss Ross and Mr Reed who accompanied the students to Teen Ranch.

Congratulations to the following students who have been chosen by their peers to represent the student body in our Primary Student Forum in Semesters 1 and 2. These students received their badges at our first Assembly.
Year 4 | |
Koinonia Pula | Lyla Hussain |
Serafina Fernandez | Dominic Plassan |
Year 5 | |
Stephanie Menere | Archer Coleman |
Veeshaye Singh | Shaniya Nathan |
Year 6 | |
Shivali Narayan | Jeremiah Starr |
Sean Conroy | Rein Manalasan |
| |
Our students in the Junior School are being spoiled for choice with a number of co-curricular groups on offer most lunchtimes or before/after school. Chess, Gardening club, Footsteps, J-Crew, Hot Shots Tennis, Lego club and Debating are starting up and music groups including RJ Singers, Ricky J Dancers, Cantabile Choir, Dance Troupe, Bucket Drumming and RJ Dancestars are beginning to get into their lunchtime or before school groove. Some sport training and workshops are commencing in coming weeks as well. We are blessed to have such dedicated and enthusiastic staff who readily give their time and expertise to make being part of the Junior School at RJ such a rich experience.
On Tuesday 5 March at 6:30pm we will be holding a Literacy Information Evening in the College Hall for parents of students in Kindergarten to Year 2. This information session will explain aspects of literacy and how they are approached here at RJ, with practical tips to consolidate literacy progress at home. We encourage parents to attend to better understand the importance of literacy acquisition, which lays the vital foundation of future learning. Email with further information to come.
With recent events such as the Stage 3 Camps and the Swimming Carnival held primarily outdoors, plus the current run of very warm days, it is essential that your children have sunhats and water bottles at school every day. Students without College hats will be directed to sit in the shade during playtimes at Recess and Lunch. No glass bottles, please.

This year we are again holding a Stage 1 Swim Day for Years 1-2 on Wednesday 28 February at the Little Fishes indoor pool centre at Oakhurst. Each grade will have 1.5 hours of supervised pre-swimming skills activities plus a small water slide to enjoy. We really want to encourage our young students to overcome any fear of swimming and enjoy being in the water. If you are interested in being a parent volunteer and have WWCC clearance, please contact Mr Mitchell. [email protected]
We would be delighted to spend time with you at our RJ Community Connect Night on Tuesday 27 February. Join us at 7:00pm for light refreshments in the SLC and spend time sharing with other parents, and members of the RJ Executive.
During the night, parents will be updated on relevant school matters including any topics of interest raised through questions.
The event will conclude by 8:00pm.
Have you checked out Rowena Thomas’ website ‘Amazing Me’? https://www.amazingme.com.au/
It’s a wonderful resource especially for parents of Stage 2 and 3 students who are starting to ask ‘those’ questions! Great tips and resources for parents, online courses you and your children can do. Definitely worth a look – you can also subscribe to Rowena’s newsletter for podcasts, blogs, book reviews. A winner!

Enjoy your weekend.

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg
Head of Junior School