From the Principal

From the Principal


It seems that the United States of America find themselves struggling again with a leadership crisis. Who will lead this ‘land of opportunity’; one of the world’s largest economies? Why is finding a capable leader to step up onto the global stage seem so difficult? 

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal


This week we’ve had the pleasure of taking our Senior School leadership team on a training Day called “Lead With Your Values”. The idea behind the day is to train our students into furthering their education and development as leaders. Students had the opportunity to hear from the Senior leaders at RJ who developed their understanding of the four RJ values: Respect, Care, Courage and Excellence. Mr Dawson also spoke to the students about the RJ Attributes: Courteous and Kind, Courageous, Resourceful, Creative and Critical Thinkers, Reflective, Willing Learners, Positive Contributors and Connected.

Junior School Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School


Thank you to 5N who gave us a great presentation last Friday on another part of our series in Proverbs. Kindergarten joined us for the first time last week for Assembly and are doing amazingly well sitting through the presentations, songs and Awards.


Senior School Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

We are halfway through Term 1 for 2024, with two camps complete and the Senior School Swimming Carnival as well. Congratulations to RAMS for being the number one house at this year's Swimming Carnival.

Some of the upcoming events for Senior School this Term are Careers Testing for Year 10 and NAPLAN for our students in Years 7 and 9. More information about these two events follows in this article.

Fine Arts

Mrs Inés Marrable - Director of Fine Arts (K-12)

Instrumental Tuition Program

RJ Junior and Senior students have the unique and invaluable opportunity to be involved in a vast and wide array of learning experiences at school through the classroom, co-curricular groups and through our Individual Instrument Lessons as part of our Fine Arts Program at RJ.  

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Junior School Sports Report


So far, we have 30 students registered for the Jump Rope for Heart program. As a College we have raised $961 so far. To register your child, please go to




Trish Millard

Senior School Sports Report

We have just finished our first rotation of Tuesday Sport for 2024. Students have spent the last five weeks getting absorbed into a sporting activity, either a recreational sport of their choosing, or a skill-based sport within their cohort.


RJ Kinder Afternoon Tea – Sunday 24 March

We are delighted to invite you to join other RJ Kindergarten families for an afternoon tea on Sunday 24 March from 2pm to 4:30pm at Bungarribee Park. This will be a relaxed ‘BYO everything event’ organised by your Year Group Ambassador Mr Adrian Vanderkley. Some RJ marquees will be used to help you find the location which will be close to the playground and open space for a game of soccer for those interested.

Year 6 Trial WhatsApp Group

This year we will be trialling a WhatsApp Group for Year 6 families in addition to the Year 6 Facebook page. WhatsApp is a communication App and we will be using the messaging feature as this may facilitate a quicker response to questions rather than through a Facebook post. If you would like to join the Year 6 group, please download the free App onto your phone, register your mobile number, and click on this link to join:

Got Feedback?

The College endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.