From the Principal

From the Principal


Everyone wants a good education for their child and some go to great lengths to find one. They want an environment that will cultivate their child’s strengths, will look after their safety and provide opportunity for them to be stretched and challenged so they have the skills to meet the challenges of the future head on.

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal


At RJ we are richly blessed with a diverse cultural background in our community. This is a reflection of the broader community in which we are located. In the last few weeks we have had the joy of extending a warm welcome to overseas visitors with the Kenyan Hakuna Matata Children’s Choir visiting the Junior School and the Okinawa Kaiho High School students from Japan being hosted by our Senior School Students. Whilst our students have helpful exposure each day to the need to consider others and understand that their families may have different values, ways of doing things and cultural practices, meeting students from different countries broadens their understanding even further.

Junior School Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School

Hello Junior School families,

We are racing towards Easter and then the end of Term 1 at lightning speed with many events already done and a few yet to come! Thank you for taking the time to read all the various communications – via Seesaw, SMS, RJ app broadcasts and emails to know dates and times for events. Please always check who events are for and whether or not children should be in attendance.                                                                                                                         


Senior School Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Senior School


The NAPLAN testing for 2024 concludes today, with the final catch-up session taking place. Thank you to all the students in Years 7 and 9 for their cooperation and perseverance in completing the tests. 

Fine Arts

Mrs Inés Marrable - Director of Fine Arts (K-12)

Stage 1 String Program

Research has shown that learning an instrument provides cognitive benefits to the brain and learning process. It strengthens the auditory system, not only for hearing music but also for other listening tasks, including language tasks. Studies indicate a correlation between the ability to keep a beat and reading ability. 

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Junior School Sports Report


As a College we have raised $1,627 so far. To register your child, please go to  

This week’s skipping challenge is the Tricky Criss Cross (see below). 





Trish Millard

Senior School Sports Report

What an exciting week it has been for RJ in Sport. Last Monday we celebrated the 36 students who represented RJ at the Nepean Zone Swimming Carnival. We now send 29 of these students to the CSSA State Swimming Carnival next Tuesday and pray God’s hand over them and the day. Congratulations to Zoe, David, Chelsea, Laike, Paityn, Kaitlin, Owen, Alexandra, Dilan, Eden, Mark, Daniel, Rableen, Sirat, Alexis-Jae, Sean, Grace, Jackson, Avani, Matthew, Aeden, Charlie, Jonathan, Braxton, Oakley, Jouvania, Chelsea, Johan and Siana.  


RJ Kinder Afternoon Tea – Sunday 24 March

We are delighted to invite you to join other RJ Kindergarten families for an afternoon tea on Sunday 24 March from 2pm to 4:30pm at Bungarribee Park. This will be a relaxed ‘BYO everything event’ organised by your Year Group Ambassador Mr Adrian Vanderkley. Some RJ marquees will be used to help you find the location which will be close to the playground and open space for a game of soccer for those interested.

Year 6 Trial WhatsApp Group

This year we will be trialling a WhatsApp Group for Year 6 families in addition to the Year 6 Facebook page. WhatsApp is a communication App and we will be using the messaging feature as this may facilitate a quicker response to questions rather than through a Facebook post. If you would like to join the Year 6 group, please download the free App onto your phone, register your mobile number, and click on this link to join:

Got Feedback?

The College endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.