Students were permitted to wear Summer or Winter Uniform for the first week of this Term. We are now in Winter Uniform from the Monday of Week 2. The mornings have become quite chilly so please send your child/ren with their jackets to school. The College beanie is only to be worn to and from school and does not take the place of a sunhat. Please check that all clothing items are clearly labelled – especially jackets.
We enjoyed two Mothers’ Day events this week – the stall and the breakfast. Thank you to all who assisted to make these events so special. I would like to wish all the RJ Mums a really happy Mothers’ Day this Sunday 🌺

A reminder to please drop students off in Pioneers Way rather than walking them down to the Courtyard area. Parents are welcome to sit for a brief time at the tables in Pioneers Way however, please encourage your child to meet up with their friends to play before school. Using this area as a ‘kiss and drop’ space is recommended.
We are still seeing some boys coming to School with hairstyles that are not in line with our Uniform policy. These include very short, shaved sides with a distinctly longer section on top. ‘Lines’ shaved into the hair are also not permitted. Uniform infringement notes will be issued to these students.
Our College Uniform policy states –
Hair must be clean, kept tidy and well‐groomed. Hair should not hang/fall across the face or eyes.
- No radical hair styles are acceptable (e.g. no undercut, mohawk, or shaved hair or below size 2 clippers). Also, no styles involving significant differences between the length of hair are acceptable.
- In regard to hairstyles for all students, it should be recognised that due to the subjective nature of ‘styles’ it is difficult to describe exactly the College requirements. Any changes to a student’s hair must be subtle. Significant changes are not acceptable. For the smooth‐running of the College, the Principal’s decision is final in all matters pertaining to this Policy and the appearance of each student.
In light of this, we ask that if you are taking your son to the Barber or Hairdresser, please say something before they begin to cut. A size 2 blade and a size 4 blade combination is acceptable – a size 1 blade is too short.
In terms of ‘lines’ a thin line in the natural part section is permissible, thicker and/or designed lines are not.
We do not want any of our boys sporting inappropriate hairstyles. If your son has recently had one of these differentiated cuts, please allow the short section to grow longer than a number 1 blade and have any long top sections trimmed.

Cross Country for Years K-2 will be held next Friday 17 May from 2:15pm. Parents are welcome to come and watch our littlest athletes go through their paces. Please assemble in Pioneers Way from 2:10pm. Students will still finish school at 3:20pm on this day, no early leavers.
Years 3-12 will hold their Cross Country races on Thursday 23 May. This event is for students only. All students are to wear their Sports uniform with House shirts on their respective Cross Country days (Year 6 helpers for K-2 event also in House shirts).
This will occur on Wednesday 22 May during a special Assembly in the College Hall featuring this year’s book – 'Bowerbird Blues' by Aura Parker. Mr Dawson and I have our costumes ready so check out the next edition of the RJ Review!
Please make sure that if our Reception/First Aid staff need to phone for your child to be picked up due to injury or illness, the emergency contacts on Edumate are up to date and available. As we head into the cooler months, the rate of contagious disease does rise and more students sent to the Junior School sick bay are required to go home. It is vital that when these calls are made someone is available to pick up your child promptly.

Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg
Head of Junior School