K-2 held a successful, if not tiring, Cross-Country event last week. The students gave it their all and it was a fun afternoon. Years 3-12 held their Cross-Country event yesterday at Hanna Reserve. It was quite a challenging course with the older age groups having to complete two laps. Congratulations to all who completed the course and to the Junior School students who have qualified for the CSSA State event on Friday 31 May. We wish you well as you represent RJ.
On Thursday 16 May, two teams of students from Stage 3 headed to Knox Grammar School to represent RJ in the da Vinci Decathlon. They joined around 1300 students from all around New South Wales to participate in an academic competition that was incredibly challenging. The Year 5 and Year 6 teams competed in 10 different tasks. Each team completed activities in Code Breaking, English, Ideation, Science, Creative Producers, Cartography, Art and Poetry, Mathematics, Engineering and Legacy that required them to demonstrate a variety of skills.
Throughout the day the students found themselves in The Learning Pit on a number of occasions, however, they showcased resilience and teamwork as they engaged in each of the disciplines. It was a fantastic experience for all the students and they represented the College with pride. Their commitment to each task and their tenacity when faced with challenges is commended.
Congratulations to Mark B, Arsh A, Oliver T, Hetavi J, Ivy Y, Sofia F, Kai G, Austin L, Ansh P, Stephanie M, Alicia S, Sahil C, Aarav P, Sienna F, Veeshaye S and Bella S.

Years 3-6 enjoyed a captivating performance from Water Rhythms – part of the Musica Viva school performances offerings. Through an engaging exploration of dance, rhythm, soundscapes and improvised movement, students learnt how to listen to music in new ways to create dances and music of their own, and to express themselves through movement. Thank you to Miss S-D for organising this wonderful creative arts experience.

This fun event occurred on Wednesday this week featuring this year’s book – Bowerbird Blues by Aura Parker. Mr Dawson and I really enjoy promoting quality Australian literature to our young readers here at RJ.

We continue to have a large number of students arriving after our 8:45am bell each morning. Please try hard to get your children to school on time so they have a settled start to the day, meet up with their friends and hear the announcements on lines. Expect to be contacted by the College if your child is regularly late.
The ever-popular Junior School Fundraising Disco will be held on Tuesday 28 May in the College Hall with two sessions.
Years K-2: 4pm - 5pm
Years 3-6: 5:30pm – 6:45pm
Cost is $6 which will include three glowstick bangles. Booking link below. Dress Code: Colourful and modest clothing, and footwear appropriate for dancing. Parents should not remain on site in view of the hall to prevent distracting the students during the event. Students will need to show a copy of their ticket (or parents provide a digital version) when collecting the glowsticks.
K-2 -
3-6 -

Enjoy your weekend,
Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg
Head of Junior School