From the Principal

From the Principal

There have been so many wonderful activities and achievements that have recently taken place at our College. Our students have demonstrated remarkable talent, endurance, and community spirit in various events and I am incredibly proud of their efforts.

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

As we return to the Child Safe Standards we look to Child Safe Standard 6. Processes to respond to complaints of child abuse (or other concerns) are child focused.

Junior School Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School


Two successful discos were held in Week 5 for our K-2 students followed by Years 3-6. The Hall was aglow with coloured flashing lights and glow sticks matched by some very flashy outfits from students and staff! Thank you to all who contributed to make this such a fun event for our students. 


CRU Blast Day Camp July Holidays

CRU Blast is an exciting CRU Day Camp held for students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Your son or daughter will have the week of their lives and get a great opportunity to make new friends and develop new skills during their school holidays! They'll enjoy the experience of camp, with the chance to participate in exciting outdoor activities and explore a Christian worldview, whilst still going home to sleep in the comfort of their own bed.

Senior School Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

The close of Week 6 sees the College move past the halfway point of Term 2. While there are only four weeks remaining in the Term there are many significant events ahead for the Senior School. The Senior School Athletics Carnival, the Winter Sleep Out and the Heritage Festival are some of the these.

Refurbished Senior School Staffrooms

We are grateful to announce the recent opening of our refurbished Block B & D Senior School Staffrooms! 

From the Head of Academics, Learning & Innovation

Mrs Julia Scrimshaw, Head of Academics, Learning and Innovation (P-12)

The Ever-Evolving Picture of Generative AI

Toward the end of 2022 I attended an educational conference, and the hot topic of conversation was around the threat of generative AI to educational standards. At the end of November in that year OpenAI had released a product called ChatGPT. 

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Junior School Sports Report


RJ will get a second chance to enter the CSSA State Football Finals next Wednesday. We wish the girls all the best as they compete at this Gala Day.






Trish Millard

Senior School Sports Report


On Thursday 23 May we had the Senior School Cross Country Carnival. The day was a great success with students participating both competitively and socially around the course at Hanna Reserve. Students had a great day in the sunshine, with their friends, and earning house points for their participation. Congratulations to the 46 students who progressed to the Secondary State Cross Country.




Dates to Remember

Years 6-12 'Youth Off the Streets' Winter Sleepout 2024


Over the past seven years, students from RJ have participated in the 'Youth Off the Streets' Winter Sleepout. This year it will be held from Friday evening June 21 to Saturday morning June 22. If your child/children are in Years 6-12, encourage them to collect a permission form and return it with the receipt from Trybooking. 



Trivia & Puzzle Night Tickets on Sale - Friday 14 June, 7:00-9:00pm, $5 tickets

Come one, come all, to our exciting and entertaining Trivia & Puzzle community event on Friday 14 June! Organise a table of 8, or come with a friend and make new friends!

RJ Kindy Afternoon Tea - Sunday 23 June

We are delighted to invite you to join with other RJ Kindy families for a casual get together at Bungarribee Park, 2pm to 4pm. BYO afternoon tea/rugs/chairs. Look for the RJ Marquee near the playground and open space. Thank you to your Kindy Year Group Ambassador Adrian Vanderkley for facilitating this social event.

Got Feedback?

The College endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.