From the Principal

From the Principal

Looking after ourselves and those around us takes lots of work. But it is essential work that we all need to attend to. As we finish Term 2, I would like to share some words with you that I have shared with our staff as they’ve headed into the holiday break. 

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

What a rich tapestry of cultures we have at RJ. With Term 2 coming to a close we have the opportunity to celebrate Heritage Day, a day that highlights the wonderful diversity of Western Sydney and more specifically of the families that make up our community at RJ. There are so many things to enjoy about Heritage Day and the lead up to this event. 

Junior School Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Junior School


We thoroughly enjoyed the Performance Assembly last Friday with lovely song renditions and an energetic bucket drumming performance, plus a reminder about our theme this term – the Armour of God. Today we joined with the Senior School for a combined end of term College Assembly.

CRU Blast Day Camp July Holidays

CRU Blast is an exciting CRU Day Camp held for students in Kindergarten to Year 6. Your son or daughter will have the week of their lives and get a great opportunity to make new friends and develop new skills during their school holidays! They'll enjoy the experience of camp, with the chance to participate in exciting outdoor activities and explore a Christian worldview, whilst still going home to sleep in the comfort of their own bed.

Senior School Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Senior School

Heritage Festival

Firstly, thank you to the students, parents/carers and staff who contributed to the amazing event that is our annual Heritage Festival. It is a celebration of the RJ Community, acknowledging our cultural diversity through fashion food and dance.

Fine Arts

Mrs Inés Marrable - Director of Fine Arts (K-12)

Fine Arts Wrap Up

Fine Arts activities have been a huge part of the lives of our RJ students throughout Term 2. 

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Junior School Sports Report

CSSA Date to remember for Term 3

• Primary State Netball Gala Day – Thursday 8 August 2024 at Jamison Park

• Stage 3 Mixed Oz Tag Gala Day – Wednesday 18 September at The Kingsway

Students have already been notified for the netball gala day via the Junior School Sports Board if they have made the team. The Oz Tag selection will be made half way through Term 3 to observe our WSCS players.

Trish Millard

Senior School Sports Report

This week we have seen more fantastic achievements in Sport at RJ. The 14s and 16s Boys Soccer teams both won their Grand Finals last Tuesday. Congratulations Boys, fantastic effort!


RJ Year 1 Afternoon Tea - Saturday 17 August

We are delighted to invite you to join with other RJ Year 1 families for a casual get together at Bungarribee Park, 2pm to 4pm, on Saturday 17 August. BYO afternoon tea/rugs/chairs. Families can meet near the playground and open space. Thank you to your Year 1 Group Ambassador Connie Cheung for facilitating this social event.

Got Feedback?

The College endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.