These daily revision sessions are an essential part of the support offered by the College as they continue to prepare for the HSC examinations that start early in Term 4. The Year 12 Reflection Day is taking place on Friday 20 September. Families of our Year 12 cohort have the opportunity to book up to four seats for the Year 12 Graduation Assembly on Friday 27 September. Please use the RJ App to access the Trybooking link.
Our Year 11 cohort will be commencing their yearly exams in Week 8, which will conclude on Wednesday 25 September, with students returning to normal classes the following day. Please be praying for our Year 11 students during this time.
As we move into spring students are encouraged to wear the RJ sports cap whenever they are outside. While hats are compulsory next term students do not need to wait until then to start wearing one. A reminder that students are to only wear the RJ sports cap.
Students are permitted to wear the College summer uniform, which means students in Years 7-10 no longer need to wear their blazer or the College Tie/Scarf. Students in Year 11 and 12 are to continue to wear their ties/scarves. The winter RJ scarf and beanie are no longer to be worn to the College as it is part of the winter uniform.
Why RJ?
Earlier this week during a twilight tour of the College I was greatly encouraged to meet families who want to become part of the RJ Community. During a conversation, one parent was asked "Why RJ?", and without hesitation they replied "My friends already send their children here. The College sounds like a great place". My hope and prayer is that RJ will continue to be such a positive community as staff, students and families partner together striving to make our College one that continues to be place to belong, serve and succeed.
Thank you
Thank you to the staff and students involved in recent events both at the College and off campus.
Some of the events are:
• CSSA E-Sports Rocket League Competition, in which a team of RJ students place third overall.
• TAS Exhibition evening
• Year 10 Excursion to the Jewish Museum in Sydney
• World Vision 40 Hour Famine 40km walk
• CSSA State Athletics Carnival
• Shine event for girls in the Senior School
• Crime Investigation Day
• Inter House European Handball Competition
As well as our weekly events such as Ignite and a wide range of co-curricular groups.
I hope that our students continue to take up the opportunity to engage in the activities that are available to them at RJ. Being involved is a big step in helping students feel connected, strengthening their sense of belonging and making a positive contribution to the College community.
Respect and Care
It has been disappointing to have to close a toilet block due to damage. While I did speak with girls in Year 7 and 8 about the reason for their toilets being closed, I reminded them that they do not need to be accepting of this type of behaviour from their peers. It was also made clear that students who show disrespect to the College and a lack of care towards their peers in this type of way are placing their enrolment at the College at risk. The girls were encouraged to speak with a staff member if they see inappropriate behaviour, in order to prevent the closure of College facilities and reduce the use of College resources used in repairing the damage. They were reminded that the online "RJ Cares" reporting system may be of use to them in this type of circumstance.
Year 11 students need to complete their orders for their Year 12 2025 Jersey as soon as possible. As soon as all orders and payments are complete the order can placed with the company that supplies the jerseys to the College.
Year 12 students need to purchase their ticket for the Year 12 Formal, closing date is Friday 27 September.
Families of our Year 12 students need to 'book' their seats for the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony by Friday 20 September.
Links and relevant QR codes have been sent to students / parents and carers via Broadcast and email.
Parents and carers are reminded that if you have any questions about upcoming events or concerns in relation to your child's wellbeing or a question about a specific subject area, please reach out to their Home Group teacher as first point of contact. Parents wishing to meet with a staff member please contact the College via main reception to organise an appointment.
Mr Brad Maxwell
Head of Senior School