Their graduation assembly takes place on Friday 27 September. Families of our Year 12 cohort have the opportunity to book up to four seats for the Year 12 Graduation Assembly.
Students in Year 11 are continuing their yearly exams which conclude on Wednesday 25 September, with students returning to normal classes the following day. Please continue to pray for our Year 11 students.
All lockers across the Senior School are to be left locked and emptied over the holiday break. Students are encouraged to start taking home books and other resources that they will not need over the last days of the term. This will help avoid the potential for heavy bags being taken home on the last day of term.
College Uniform reminder
Students are permitted to wear the College summer uniform, which means students in Years 7-10 no longer need to wear their blazer or the College Tie/Scarf. Students in Years 11 and 12 are to continue to wear their ties/scarves.
However, full College Uniform is to be worn by all Senior School students on Friday 27 September, meaning blazers and ties/scarves, reflecting the importance of the Year 12 Graduation Assembly.
As we move into spring students are encouraged to wear the RJ sports cap whenever they are outside. The College Sports cap must be worn when students are outside during Term 4.
Respect and Care - Use of Social Media
Earlier this week I contacted a number of students and their parents/carers in relation to social media. I raised the College's concerns about students commenting on posts and following accounts that shared text and images that were quite harmful to members of the College community. Students were reminded that they are accountable for any image they post, comments they make and accounts they follow. Additionally, it was pointed out that following, commenting or liking a post generally indicates that they support or agree with what has been shared. Students were also reminded that if a social media post or account is referred to the police due to the nature of the content shared, those who make comments or follow the account would be of interest to the police.
One of the frustrations of recent activity on social media is the 'anonymous' or nameless creators of the accounts and posts. While I would prefer people to be courageous enough to put their name to what they are willing to post, it is often not the case. Students are encouraged to advise a trusted adult if they know the identity of anyone posting harmful content. If any member of the RJ community is concerned about what they see on social media they can report the account or post directly to the social media platform, they can also make a report to the E-Safety Commissioner,, and in some situations, a report can be made at the local police station. It would be both disappointing and concerning if inappropriate/harmful content was ignored by members of the RJ community.
With two weeks of holidays commencing shortly, it is a timely reminder for our students to be wise when using social media and also a time for parents/carers to check in with their children regarding their use of social media. I would also encourage students to have a break from their screens, be outside, catch up with friends face-to-face, and enjoy the warmer weather.
Upcoming Events:
Thursday 26 September
- Leadership Induction Service and Leadership handover
- Staff vs Year 12 students game
- Final of the Inter House Competition
Friday 27 September - Last day of term
- Year 12 Breakfast
- Year 12 Graduation Assembly
- Senior School Locker clean out
- Holidays commence for students at 3:10pm
I hope that during the holiday period, both students and staff have the opportunity for a break. For me I think of the words in Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know that I am God", that no matter the circumstances, whether during the end of a term or a holiday break, I can be still or assured that God is who He says He is. I am looking forward to having time to read, go to the beach and spend time with family, acknowledging that all of these things are from God.
Term 4 commences for students on Tuesday 15 October.
Year 11 students need to complete their orders for their Year 12 2025 Jersey as soon as possible. As soon as all orders and payments are complete the order can placed with the company that supplies the jerseys to the College.
Year 12 students need to purchase their ticket for the Year 12 Formal, closing date is Friday 27 September.
Families of our Year 12 students need to 'book' their seats for the Year 12 Graduation Ceremony today.
Links and relevant QR codes have been sent to students and their parents/carers via Broadcast and email.
Parents and carers are reminded that if you have any questions about upcoming events or concerns in relation to your child's wellbeing or a question about a specific subject area please reach out to their Home Group teacher as first point of contact. Parents wishing to meet with a staff member please contact the school via main reception to organise an appointment
Mr Brad Maxwell
Head of Senior School