Thank you so much for the generous donations to this Christmas appeal through Anglicare. The Staff room is overflowing with boxes that have been packed by our Junior School Student Forum and will be collected by the Anglicare van next week. These donations will be used in hampers to help disadvantaged families have some joy this Christmas.

This evening (Fri 22 Nov) we are looking forward to a lovely evening picnic and wonderful Nativity presentation from our youngest students in the Junior School Courtyard. The ‘I’m Gonna Shine’ mini musical is a joyful reminder of the true meaning of the celebration of our Saviour’s birth at Christmas. Hopefully any rain will stay away and the coffee and ice cream vans will be popular! A special thank you to Miss S-D 🎵 and the Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 teachers plus Miss Ross, Mrs Pinney, Mr Hunt and Mr Reed for bringing this all to fruition.
Next Friday 29 November, we formally acknowledge the achievement of our Year 6 students in completing their Junior School years at their Year 6 Graduation Assembly. Graduation commences at 9:00am in the College Hall. Parents of Year 6 students are welcome to attend.
Students wear their Summer Uniform. Girls must wear tunics not skorts and dresses should be knee length. Shoes should be neatly polished, and hair styled in a neat, College-appropriate style as per the Uniform Policy. 2024 Leadership badges should be worn. Students need to bring along suitable clothing for the activities to follow later in the day. Morning tea and lunch provided.
I would like to acknowledge the parents and family members who have helped us throughout 2024. It has been lovely to have had parents and grandparents in classrooms for InitiaLit and Reading groups, assisting with excursions, special events, and more. Thank you so much for the generous sharing of your time to assist our students. We really appreciate it! ❤
Junior School students may wear Christmas coloured/themed mufti (red, green and white) on the second last day of term, Wednesday 4 December. Students must have closed shoes and clothing suitable for school (i.e. no strappy tops, very short shorts or inappropriate images/writing on T-shirts). No spray paint in hair, please. A reminder that sending in Christmas cards with your child for their friends during the last week is fine, but please do not send candy canes or other gifts for classmates to school.

Junior School Presentation Afternoon will be held on Thursday 5th December in the College Hall commencing at 1pm. Parents can take students home at the conclusion of this event. Semester 2 Reports will be available via the Edumate portal this day. (no hard copies sent home unless requested via your child’s class teacher and no early access for families who have chosen to go on holidays before the end of term). Parents of prizewinners will be notified next week.
We will celebrate the achievements of Junior School students throughout the 2024 academic year in a variety of areas including Christian Character, Powerful Learner, Courageous Learner, and extra-curricular involvement. Student attendance is compulsory at the Presentation Assembly so please mark this important date in your calendar. Rehearsals will take place the day before. Students are to wear their Summer Uniform. Girls must wear tunics not skorts and dresses should be knee length. Shoes should be neatly polished, and hair styled in a neat, College-appropriate style as per the Uniform Policy.
Parents are reminded to take the opportunity over the holiday break to review and replace any missing Uniform items or items their child has outgrown. All students require a College hat throughout the entirety of the school year. Sport shoes must be joggers (not basketball shoes) and below the ankle. Please ensure all Uniform items are clearly labeled. Students in Kindergarten and Year 1 only may wear black lace-up or Velcro leather school shoes (full foot coverage – no Mary Jane styles). Students in Years 2-6 must wear black lace-up leather school shoes.

The Junior School Staff wish all families a safe and Jesus-centred Christmas. To the small number of students and families leaving RJ at the end of the year, we pray that you will look back fondly on your time at RJ and experience God’s love and grace as you continue your educational journey.

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg
Head of Junior School