From the Principal
Welcome to 2025!
It’s been great to welcome our new students and their families across the College in the last week. Our prayer is that you and your children will settle into life at RJ and find this to be a place where you can truly belong, serve and succeed.
Our students have been getting back into the routines and rhythms of life at school again after a refreshing break and with that comes the requirement of all our students and families to ensure they develop an understanding of our expectations at RJ. If there are any concerns with this or you have a question you would like answered, please refer to the Lines of Communication document posted on the website.
All class teachers will have instructed students this week on their expectations in their classrooms around their learning and behaviour. Home Group Teachers in Senior School will have covered off on our expectations around the College Uniform and Presentation Policy and what is expected of our students. This policy is restated in their College Diaries which our students in Year 6-12 receive each year
As a community, we also have expectations of our parent body, and these are outlined in the Parent Code of Conduct available on our website. As we come together for different events and occasions across the College throughout the year there are protocols we need our parents to follow in order to ensure that our College environment is safe for all people.
Community Connect evenings will be hosted by the College Executive Team again this year and we invite all parents to attend. The events provide an opportunity for parent voice to be heard, to meet other parents and to connect with the leadership of the College. These evenings are not long, and they only occur once per term.
Today marks the end to Week 2 on the calendar and already we have checked off many events in these first 7 days of the academic year. The RJ Day Assembly for Years 2-12 was a great reminder of our College’s namesake and the great work he came to do in early Australia. Our Year 7, 8 and 11 cohorts have been involved in Information Evenings, the Junior school swimming carnival was a great success, and the Senior School swimming carnival will take place this coming Monday (Feb 10). Parents are invited to attend, and Mr Roby has sent a broadcast notice to inform parents about where parents can view the carnival within the venue.
We welcome our new staff to the College as well and if you click on the link, you will see which part of the College they will function. One of the new roles we have invested in this year, is the role of College Chaplain. Mr David Janzen has been appointed to this role and in the coming weeks, our College community will get to know him and how his role will play out within our College community.
With a wonderful start to the year under our belt, we look forward to what the next fortnight will bring. We pray that God will bless you and your family as we commence the year and that He would go before you and prepare the way for you ahead.
As an aside, all 2024 families will receive shortly a copy of our 2024 Footprints College magazine. We are delighted with its fresh new look and it is as a wonderful memento of our experiences last year. If you don't receive a copy by the end of next week, please contact main reception.
God Bless
Mr Alan Dawson | Principal