From the Principal
Welcome to all of our new families, students and staff joining the RJ Community in 2023!
As a School, we are very excited about what 2023 will hold for all of our community both at our Oakhurst and our Marsden Park campuses. The strength of growth across our School has been increasing over the last few years and we are looking forward to pushing ahead with new initiatives and plans to see both our campuses stand strong into the future. We look forward to launching our School Strategic Plan 2023-2025: Growing Learners. Connecting Hearts, Building Community in the coming weeks to our RJ community and start to centre the focus of our school on key imperatives. Look out for your copy of this booklet coming your way soon.
If your family is new this year, we warmly invite you and your children to get involved in the life of our School. This will look different from family to family, but finding that point of connection in our community is important to lasting the journey. We will be encouraging your children whether in Kindy or Year 12 to embark on new learnings across the year in order for them to become better learners. They will become familiar with the learning language in our community and form greater understanding around their own learning journey. Our staff are committed to seeing your child grow as a learner this year.
New Deputy Principal
I particularly want to welcome our new Deputy Principal, Mr Scott Roby, who has joined us this year following the retirement of Mrs Jenny Clay at the end of last year. Mr Roby comes to us from William Carey Christian School as is a great addition to our executive leadership in the school. I would encourage our families to engage in getting to know Mr Roby as he commences with us as he will be a key point of contact along with other key members of staff whom you will engage with throughout the year.
Parent Ambassadors
A practical, yet exciting way for parents to serve within our School community is as a Year Group Parent Ambassador. This is a great opportunity to be a key connection point for other parents at RJ. For more information, please refer to the letter I sent to all parents earlier today. We would love for you to assist families navigate the RJ Way. Register your Expression of Interest before 9:00am Monday 13 February.
School Expectations
One of our points of difference here at RJ is the high expectations we have for our students with regards their behaviour and presentation. When parents enrol their children at RJ, they agree to abide by our School Uniform and Presentation Policy. This enables us as a School to focus on a student’s wellbeing and learning rather than continually address uniform issues that have been clearly stated at the beginning of the RJ journey. Please refer to Mr Roby’s article in this edition for more and a link to this policy.
Jumping Right In
Term 1 is off to a flying start with many events and activities planned and underway already. Our Year 11 Information occurred last Wednesday evening. If you missed this, please contact Mr Maxwell, our Head of Secondary for follow up details. Our Year 7 Information Evening is on tomorrow night and will provide further information about approaching Year 7 studies and their Camp. Oakhurst Year 5 and 6 students head out on their camp tomorrow, Year 11 travel to Stanwell Tops on Thursday for Study Camp. Next week both our Primary and Secondary Swimming Carnivals are happening, and Marsden Park and Oakhurst campuses are hosting “Tell Us About Your Children” evenings in Primary.
There’s never a dull moment at RJ, and the opportunities we provide your children are intentional as we encourage their development as confident, agile, reflective and engaged learners.
We are looking forward to a fantastic year ahead and pray that as you join us on this journey, you will come to understand the grace and mercy of God that has been made available to all of us through His son, Jesus Christ.
God Bless
Mr Alan Dawson | Principal