From the Principal

From the Principal


Things are booming at our Marsden Park Campus. With the news from the Anglican Schools Corporation Board last week to bring this campus on board as a stand-alone school in 2024, known as Marsden Park Anglican College, the future of the Marsden Park site is looking very exciting. The sister school relationship between the RJ Oakhurst campus and Marsden Park, will continue into the future as Marsden Park navigates its new look.

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

RJ Community Connect

RJ Community Connect


We invite you to our first RJ Community Connect evenings for 2023. These events are designed to help you ‘connect’ with other RJ parents and members of the RJ Executive. Join us for light refreshments at 7:00pm on your relevant Campus date below.

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

If you have a student in Secondary, you may have heard recently about timetable changes. These have come about as a result of a staff change.

Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst

Our Primary Assemblies have commenced for the year as we gave out Bibles to Year 3 and new students who have joined us at RJ in 2023 plus our first group of Principal’s awards from Mr Dawson. We look forward to 6P’s presentation this Friday. Our theme for the term is Light with the memory verse from Matthew 5:16  ‘Let your light shine before others so they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven.’ 

From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park

It was exciting news this week to hear of the Anglican Schools Corporation Board’s confidence in our campus moving forward into 2024 as a standalone school called Marsden Park Anglican College.

Oakhurst Year 6 Camp


In Week 3, Year 6 students excitedly headed to Teen Ranch, Cobbitty for a 3 day camp. We had so much fun! Here are a few student highlights:

Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary

Term One feels like it is moving very fast, we are already in Week 5 and are almost half way through the term.

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Junior School Sports Leader

Primary Sports Report

For the first time in many a year, we had a hot swimming carnival!


Enrolments 2024 - Is action required?

Do you have another child you were planning to enrol at RJ for Kinder or Year 7 2024?

If so, please urgently submit an online enrolment application to ensure a place is considered for you, as we will begin to finalise placements this Term. Thank you.


If you still need to provide consent for your Year 7 or 10 student please visit:

RAHT Kits Available

RAHT kits are available for students
Additional RAHT kits are available for collection from reception at the Marsden Park Campus or from the Secondary or Main Reception at Oakhurst.

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.