From the Principal

From the Principal


Launch of Strategic Plan

This week we launch our Strategic Plan 2023-2025: Growing Learners. Connecting Hearts. Building Community.

Principal's Awards

Principal's Award

Congratulations to the following students for receiving Principal's Awards at recent Assemblies:

From the Deputy Principal

Mr Scott Roby - Deputy Principal

From the Deputy Principal

I’ve Got New Glasses

Recently I’ve been prescribed glasses. Not only have I reached that age where such things become necessary, but I have also got a second pair for reading. Apart from the fact that this is a very real reminder of the joys of aging, it’s given me the opportunity to reflect on my interaction with this new technology, well new to me anyway.

Primary Matters

Mrs Karen Shannon-Duhigg, Head of Junior School

From the Head of Primary - Oakhurst

Thank you to 6H who gave us a lovely presentation last Friday on Light with a reminder that God’s Word is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. Kindergarten have been joining us for part of these Assemblies and are doing amazingly well sitting through the presentations, songs and awards.

From the Head of Primary - Marsden Park

Having a dedicated and experienced Learning Support team is critical to the success of schools. For this week’s RJ review, I have invited Mrs Joey Green to give an overview of Learning Support, including who is part of the team, and the types of interventions that learning support makes in the classroom. 

Year 1 String Program

The start of 2023 has seen the inaugural commencement of the Year 1 String Program at Oakhurst and Marsden Park campuses.

Year 1 & 2 Swim Fun Day

On Monday 1 March, students in Years 1-2 attended a Swim Fun Day at Little Fishes Swim School in Oakhurst. 

Secondary Segments

Mr Brad Maxwell - Head of Senior School

From the Head of Secondary

As we continue to progress into the second half of the term we are moving closer to NAPLAN for Years 7 and 9 in Weeks 8 and 9, we also have Year 10 completing testing this week on Thursday 9 March.

Mr Stewart Rowe, Director of Christian Ministry/Service Learning (7-12)

From the Director of Service Learning

Primary Camp Leadership

One of the exciting Service Learning and Leadership opportunities for students in the Secondary School is the chance to be a student leader on the Primary Camps. 

CRU Leadership Opportunity

Secondary Student Leaders
@ CRU BLAST – DAY CAMP – July 17 – July 21  

One of the wonderful opportunities that exists for Secondary students in Years 9 – 12 at RJ to participate in Christian Ministry and Service Learning is to be an Assistant Leader at the CRU Blast Day Camp. 

Year 7 Camp

In Week 5 our Year 7 students had a wonderful camp time at Waterslea developing friendships and making memories. They enjoyed the opportunity to try new activities of which archery, rope climbing, and the waterslide were some great highlights. See below for more highlights of our many adventures.

Sports Reports

Mr Gavin Mitchell - Director of Sport

Primary Sports Report

Zone Carnival

It was great to see our students compete against our fellow Christian schools in the Nepean Zone Swimming Carnival. Several of our students were able to improve upon their times from the School Carnival. We wish all of the swimmers who have qualified for this Thursday’s CSSA State Swimming Carnival well.


Facebook Year Groups

Are you connected on our child’s Year Group Facebook Page?

Hope Explored


If you still need to provide consent for your Year 7 or 10 student please visit:

Enrolments 2024 - Is action required?

Do you have another child you were planning to enrol at RJ for Kinder or Year 7 2024?

If so, please urgently submit an online enrolment application to ensure a place is considered for you, as we will begin to finalise placements this Term. Thank you.

RAHT Kits Available

RAHT kits are available for students
Additional RAHT kits are available for collection from reception at the Marsden Park Campus or from the Secondary or Main Reception at Oakhurst.

Got Feedback?

The School endeavours to continually improve the RJ experience and welcomes encouraging and/or constructive feedback from parents on events, activities, or RJ life in general. Please email [email protected] and your input will be considered accordingly. Thank you for your time.